ZQZ objects auction

The process of living on and skateboarding along the 040 road while developing a “zqz

language” - http://040.5p.lt – has conjoured questions to do with objects, among others.

Here we'll try to focus on objects oriented questions which lead and informed the idea of

making and doing the ZQZ objects auction.

Throughout practising the ZQZ, skateboarding and sensing the 040 road, objects became

questions to deal with.

From functional concerns like:

Which objects to take? Which bag to buy? Which clothes to bring? How much the stuff am

preparing will weigh? Will the object that the rucksack has become – with all the stuff in it

– will be too heavy for me?

Through to conceptually specific questions like:

How to have ZQZ as a practice? How, as a practice it has neither object nor objective?

To questions with a more art-linked specific focus, like:

Has conceptual focused art given too much for concepts as objects rather than the

sensation of concepts as a searching practice?

How concepts are questioned through sensing imagination, rather than philosophical


The language of objects along the time, place and way of ZQZ. How does this practice is

indeed an evolving process rather than an object like process oriented projects?

How does ZQZ might be linked to various concerns about objects – from fetish, to art

objects for sale, through to the ephemeral, the virtual and perhaps with a nod to abstract

– the spiritual in art?

And all the way to object-linked interactions with people along the way. For example,

giving some objects away, and people expressing an increased interest when realising

there are no objectives – as it seemed Free for them.

Through these processes that link and touch objects, it seemed apt to place the stuff from

the time along the 040 road as a question in itself.

Therefore everything is up for being auctioned. Indeed, not just the things but the way

they are placed in the auction process.

In some ways, it can be said that auction, as a process oriented object when linked with

art, is being questioned here as well.

Instead of the money oriented process, this auction will have critique as its currency and

quality rather than value – its determinator.


Say a person wants the skateboard screws, the rucksack and the image of “unknown” as an

object they just made up and want to take home.

To get that object -1. The person will need to critique* ZQZ (http://040.5p.lt).

2. Convince people at the auction that the said critique is of such a quality that – in the

minds of people around – merits the objects the bid-critique is for.

This decision will be done through voting.

The critique people vote for as being of most quality, will indeed receive the object/s the

bid is for.

* A critique of ZQZ can be done in various means and manners.

For example, a person might say something simple like:

“I think ZQZ Fails/Succeeds in addressing questions of freedom and tragedy because of X

Y Z reasons”.

Or even, if a person wants, without any reason..

A critique could be long, with perhaps historical links, like How zqz might connect with

other road oriented art linked stuff since 2000.

In both cases of critique, the point is that you want to critisize ZQZ in a way that will

convince people to vote for your critique so you can win the auction and get what the bid is for.

How to read the images, objects depicted and their names in the auction catalogue?

For example, 2 chopsticks are an object, but a person who might bid for one of them could

make a new object – a single chopstick.

Or when a few objects are placed in a single image because during the way between

Brasilia and Rio they were kept in the same bag – do they somehow become an object?

Indeed, following the process of reviewing all that is to be auctioned, perhaps a person

fancies making new objects by, for example, placing one bid for the phone and a chopstick


Or a person might fancy a name of an image, the image itself, and could also propose an

alternative name – and so on – to bid for. (ie. If your bid wins, the new name will be given

to a chosen image.)

In short, everything is Up for Grabs – in exchange for your critique of ZQZ
